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Introducing V4.3

Sami Haidar Wehbe

Earlier this year, we re-engineered our AI with the release of Autoenhance 4.0, introducing new HDR enhancements, localized edits, automated window pulls, and sensitive content blurring. Now, with Autoenhance 4.3, we’re taking things even further with exciting new features to take your images to the next level.

Automated Edits You Can Trust

With Autoenhance 4.0, we began incorporating professional photographers’ feedback into our review process. Their unbiased reviews highlighted the most critical areas for improvement. For Autoenhance 4.3, we have gone a step further by involving photography professionals at every step, from idea inception to product delivery. This new review process ensures more consistent AI edits and a better user experience. 

Our professional team validates all enhancement options, either approving the AI outputs or flagging them for further work. This feedback loop allows us to provide you with AI enhancements you can trust, developed with photographers and editors in mind.

RAW File Decoding

At Autoenhance, we believe that the quality of the AI’s output is only as good as the quality of the input data. We take pride in our attention to detail, and have therefore invested heavily in getting the most data and information from the images that are being uploaded. In version 4.3, we introduce a new RAW decoding algorithm, which results in higher quality image enhancements.

We have made substantial improvements to the quality of RAW images, with enhanced contrast, exposure and saturation. These improvements include a new white balance correction pipeline, which aims at achieving better balanced colour across the image and a reduction of colour cast on walls.


Enhanced HDR Grouping

Our new HDR grouping method is now 30% faster, ensuring quicker processing times. Previously, all images had to be grouped before enhancement could begin, meaning you had to wait for grouping to complete and then wait again for processing the enhancements. With our new incremental grouping, images can be enhanced immediately after they have been grouped. This means a lot of images will already be enhanced by the time grouping has finished, allowing you to view the enhancements sooner.

Additionally, we’ve fixed issues with over and under exposed brackets that previously resulted in poor blends and addressed cases where similar-looking images, shot at different times, were incorrectly grouped together. This means you can enjoy faster, more accurate HDR enhancements with less waiting.

Upscaling for Sharper Images
In addition to these enhancements, Autoenhance 4.3 now offers advanced image upscaling capabilities. Our AI upscales your images to make them significantly sharper and cleaner. This ensures that even lower resolution images can be transformed into high-quality enhancements, maintaining clarity and detail without introducing artifacts.

This sample image has been zoomed in to better show the AI upscaling

Improved Auto Privacy

We’re constantly improving Auto Privacy, our sensitive content blurring tool. With the latest update of Auto Privacy, we’ve incorporated user feedback to make the model even more accurate and capable of detecting objects like license plates, human faces, humans in picture frames and for sale signs. Use Autoenhance with peace of mind, knowing that Auto Privacy is more robust than ever.

And Much More…

Autoenhance 4.3 also allows you to edit images up to 12K resolution and features processing speed improvements, laying the groundwork for major future updates. We’ve upgraded our service’s stability so you can focus on taking photos while we handle the rest. This is just touching the surface of what’s changed and what Autoenhance 4.3 can do.


Experience the best AI enhancements for your real estate images and give Autoenhance 4.3 a try.

For Webapp users:
Just upload your images to the web app and select V4. This will automatically trigger 4.3 in the background so you can try our latest update.

For API users:
Set ai_version to 4.3 and give it a try. Read more in our API documentation.

We’re always looking for feedback to improve Autoenhance, so let us know what you think of V4.3!

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