Virtual viewings give prospective buyers the opportunity to experience their dream home without stepping foot in the property itself. It’s a great way for prospects to learn more about a property that they might consider buying and for estate agents, virtual tours reduce time spent undertaking multiple property viewings. Images for virtual tours are shot by real estate photographers using 3D technology. The more virtual tours that become available on property portals, the more beneficial it will be for the property market. Let’s learn why.
Virtual tours enhance property viewings for prospective buyers
Property images are essential to showcase a property listing, but often, only one or two images are shown of each room. A prospective buyer wishes to learn as much as possible about a property before parting with their money, which is why after perusing the property images, they’ll book a physical viewing. Virtual viewings fill that step in between. With the touch of a button, a prospective buyer can explore the property and gather enough information to know whether they’re serious about buying it. This saves time and provides great experiences; Richard Gutteridge, Head of Super Prime PCL at Savills, says “the ability to view properties using what we have at our fingertips opens up the world. It allows people to explore the interior and surroundings of a property without actually travelling”. And if they like what they see, then a prospective buyer can view a property time and time again with virtual viewing. Richard praises that “having the chance to explore a property multiple times on a video tour means that sometimes you see more than you might in person”.

Virtual tours boosts the number of quality prospective buyers
When estate agents are dealing with prospective buyers, it makes their job much easier when they’re working with individuals who’re truly interested in purchasing a listed property. Physical viewings can be time consuming, so a virtual tour equips prospective buyers with enough detail to know whether they want to put in an offer. And they’ll need to be quick! Virtual viewings opens up the opportunity to sell a property faster, as property listings become instantly available to a wider and more global audience. Now, a prospective buyer doesn’t even need to physically visit the property before making an offer, which helps as their inability to physically visit a property might be due to logistics, but also, might be down to a concern around safety and hygiene. Luckily for these prospective buyers, virtual tours are the ideal solution.

Virtual tours with high quality property images increase sales
We talk time and time again about the impact of high quality images on a property listing. Realtor magazine found that properties listed with professional images are viewed 61% more than other properties at a listed price. It makes a massive difference, and to make property images stand out even more on property portals (and in virtual viewings), images need to be edited to a high standard, with consideration of brightness, lightness, colour and contrast in an image, as well as ensuring all angles in the image are straight and the objects are well positioned in the images. These factors will psychologically attract viewers to the images, and lead to quicker property sales at higher prices.
The complexity of 360 editing means that human editors charge 2 or 3 times more than a single 2D edit, and it takes them well over 24 hours to edit 360 images. Meanwhile, edits 360 images instantly. Our beta service for 360 editing will available soon. In the meantime, register your interest to be the first to try our 360 editing service.